Monday, February 20, 2006

Google Tough Times Ahead

Google's business is becoming tougher day by day. The government of US of A wants Google's loads of information on what people are searching, etc. This at the moment is fought by Google citing people's privacy. But everyone in USA knows that Homeland Security comes first and then business. Google will be made to compromise just as they did in China. In China, the citizens have a highly restricted version of Google Search Engine. This is because the Chinese did not want their people to access sensitive issues like Tibet, Anti Chinese Sites, Taiwan, Falun Gong religious select , etc This compromise on their search engine is important if they have to survive in China which is acknowledged has the biggest economy now. But this is against their "Don't Be Evil" policy which is the unwritten motto. Other concerns are that of Google Earth, which has mapped almost to the fullest. The Indian government feels this is a boon to the terrorist planning cowardly acts. And lastly telecom companies like Verizon,SBC have started to feel that Google is exploiting the recently  installed FTTP to the fullest. Its like this, the telecom companies upgrade the network by spending millions of dollars while the Internet companies utilize to maximize their profit without the broadband provider in the picture. These are the indications that their might be some policies which will affect Google's business in the near future....Till then enjoy their innovations
P.S. Check out chatting in gmail. It also automatically saves your chat into a folder called Chat (kewl idea)


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