Saturday, January 28, 2006

Hot Calendars ????

These days the indian corporate are aping the west in creating limited edition swimsuit calendars. I dont know why they declare it "limited edition"...whats the point. A few years back it would have been the most wanted item but nowadays with technologies at hand, these so called limited edition calendars could be done at home with models you love to have. I would have Micheal Jordan, Thiery Henry, Beckham, Salma Hayek, Tom Cruise, Heidi Klum looking down at me on my desktop. If i feel bored , i would throw them away and get a new calendar with whoever i wish to choose from the internet and print them on paper better than those of the limited edition specials....The youth in India is no longer having a "must have feeling" for these old gimmicks. Advertising agencies you mighty well know the above facts....Maybe its a lifeline for those people who want to make it big....Now do these calendars matter ?????


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