Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Budget Nightmares

The budget this year was pretty but disappointing. More Taxes for the salaried class or shall i say middle class indirectly...How ? The Service Tax is the weapon, It makes you pay money to the government every time you buy or avail not so extraordinary services. If the new classification of services are to be tabled, then from March 1st ATM transactions will be brought under this regime. #$%$#% paying ST for taking my money by ATM ...... "I don't know what to say" Where is the gain in taking money out of ATM? It does not stop there , later the individual has to pay ST for buying some household items, eating, etc Its not fair.....The government have to instead start taxing the farmer where ever necessary , cut free power , reduce subsidies, ...etc... which are offered in the name of votes and not according to real needs. These can be offered only on drought, flood or other Acts of God but not perennially FREE. They can cut on defence expenditure also. Of course a lot more can be done in order to save more money probably cut lot of perks of a MP . (BLACK MONEY- It can be also found within a political party, the expenditure during elections is always unexplained )...End Of The Day i am sick of these taxes gobbled up by politicians..

Read the following article

p.s. A lot good has also been done but these are the small irritants

Note : The goverment has clarified that the service tax is for banks and not for ATM users

Monday, February 20, 2006

Google Tough Times Ahead

Google's business is becoming tougher day by day. The government of US of A wants Google's loads of information on what people are searching, etc. This at the moment is fought by Google citing people's privacy. But everyone in USA knows that Homeland Security comes first and then business. Google will be made to compromise just as they did in China. In China, the citizens have a highly restricted version of Google Search Engine. This is because the Chinese did not want their people to access sensitive issues like Tibet, Anti Chinese Sites, Taiwan, Falun Gong religious select , etc This compromise on their search engine is important if they have to survive in China which is acknowledged has the biggest economy now. But this is against their "Don't Be Evil" policy which is the unwritten motto. Other concerns are that of Google Earth, which has mapped almost to the fullest. The Indian government feels this is a boon to the terrorist planning cowardly acts. And lastly telecom companies like Verizon,SBC have started to feel that Google is exploiting the recently  installed FTTP to the fullest. Its like this, the telecom companies upgrade the network by spending millions of dollars while the Internet companies utilize to maximize their profit without the broadband provider in the picture. These are the indications that their might be some policies which will affect Google's business in the near future....Till then enjoy their innovations
P.S. Check out chatting in gmail. It also automatically saves your chat into a folder called Chat (kewl idea)

Google Good Times Ahead?

My favourite company these days is Google. Its their style of working which encourages people to be productive. More ever every competitor dreads to listen a news coming out of Google portals. This is because before they have realized Google has invaded their domain. Be it Desktop Applications, VOIP, Web Crawlers ...Google says "I am there". What they offer is not new but how they offer makes a lot of difference. Their applications are a lot simpler, faster and  precise. Developers need to take a cue from them on the usability of applications. Now coming to the business sense they make a lot of money through their "adsense" which for every click on an advertisement generates revenue. All these ideas have emerged from their happy go employees who spend 10% of their work time on new emerging ideas. Ideas are welcomed with open hands ..some weird ideas include  elevator's to the moon!!!...plotting against gates etc. Looks like they are heading in the fight direction ...Lets See

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Encouraging Sports in India

            India with a population of 1 billion finds it tough to win a single medal at the Olympics. Wonder why ? The main factors people say are the following
1. People here live and work to eat at least once a day.
2. Our physical structure is not suited for games.
3. We are peace loving and that is why we lack killer instincts.
1. People here live and work to eat at least once a day
This problem is not unique to India. There are other countries in the world who are more economically backward but still manage to win more medals than us. Take for example African nations like Kenya, Ethiopia where famine, civil unrest etc is the order of the day but they rule the long distance in athletics.
2. Our physical structure is not suited for games
China is a country which has similar physical characteristics  like Indian at least in height, yet their achievements are greater.
3. We are peace loving and that is why we lack killer instincts
I dunno about this !!!
But what could be done ? To  exceed at the highest level the government and the people need to encourage sports. How?
A person dedicating his life to sports must be assured of regular income and social upliftment. This can be achieved by Universities  awarding recognized degrees in that particular field of sport or a general sports degree. Thereby the athletes does not have to face the stigma of low educational qualification. Of course he needs to be evaluated in some way.
Eradicating politically influenced decisions and  making sporting bodies transparent
And lastly follow the policies of China in our selection and training of our athletes. 
Communism works fine in the area of Sports!!!! Follow it because in another few years China will be the nation to beat in sports and do not be surprised if they wack our a$$ in Cricket in the years to come.
P.S. Read the story of Yao Ming - Star Center for Hoston Rockets)