Thursday, June 01, 2006

God Save Us

Recently Tamil Nadu Government passed a bill that 69% of seats should be reserved for the backward community in all educational institutions. Is this fair?  Why should I suffer for what my forefathers did? Totally ruthless policy which is equivalent to the Nazis separating the Jews from the rest and eliminating them. Because of this policy the divide between the haves and havesnot is widening. Why don't the Amnesty International look into this reservation policy which is equivalent to ethnic cleansing.
Today the TN Government banned Da Vinci Code since it would hurt the sentiments of the Christians. No Problem, but they are meddling with the Hindu system of conducting sermons at the Temples. Are they not hurting the sentiments of certain section of Hindus. To become a priest in any religion has a certain process and there is no short cut. All my life I have not come across of someone wanting to take priesthood as a profession. 
p.s  : Da Vinci Code has become so controversial it will become a huge hit in India, thanks to certain policies. Everyone has read the book and the politicians from TN & AP should be reminded that the mind of the reader pictures better. No movies can do justice to one's imagination!!!


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